After several days of heat and humidity, the weather has finally broken. Today we awoke to bright sunshine and temperatures in the 70s. Ideal. We listened to the forecast for the next several days
and decided either today or tomorrow would be best to make a run south toward Traverse City. We considered anchoring overnight in Omena Bay, since we've never been there before. A phone call to the marina in Traverse City convinced us we should head directly there instead. On Tuesday the Traverse City Film Festival begins, and the marina was filling up fast. There was no wind today, and none in the forecast for tomorrow either, so we motored down the bay, admiring the green hills on either side along the way. When we got here all the slips were taken, but there was some space on the wall, which is first-come, first-served. We found a spot that looked to be just the right size and slipped deftly into it, getting snugged up against the dock without touching either of our neighbors. Both of us felt quite proud of our accomplishment. Especially when a stranger who saw us in the harbor house complimented us on our great docking job!
To celebrate we walked into town to the brew pub for a quaff and a nibble, then walked around and looked at all the familiar, as well as some new, shops and restaurants. Then we came "home" so I could cook dinner and we could eat in the cockpit while tourists passed by on the walkway above the dock. While Roger is doing the dishes down below, I'm in the Nonsuch "hammock" checking email and updating this blog. Internet on the docks is great! The full moon is rising and it's getting chilly, so soon I will go below. These cool nights are so nice for sleeping!
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