The weather in northern Michigan is certainly unpredictable. When we came up to prepare Cattitude for launch in mid-June, we were expecting cool weather, so we brought long pants and sweaters. Naturally, temperatures soared, thanks to a bright blue sky and lots of sun. Nothing to complain about, but a challenge to our wardrobe.
After a two-week stint at home to meet up with relatives and contractors, we are back on board and ready (nearly) to go cruising, and the weather, of course, is cool and blustery. Yesterday was spent in preparation; installing a new toilet (important to have one that works properly!), pumping up the dinghy, and buying provisions. We are now playing the waiting game, hoping for a perfect day to make the long trip through the Straights of Mackinac to St. Ignace. Too much wind means fighting big, uncomfortable waves; too little means lots of motoring with the diesel engine. Is it too much to ask for a day of west winds at 15 knots with 1-to-2-foot waves?
the kitties with you?!?!
Gretel is with us in spirit (and her picture's on our transom!).
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