Today is a special day, because the human I know better than any other is having a birthday. She celebrated it by renting a car and taking me to the vet to have me checked out. There are signs that my kidneys are getting old, but they will probably keep working for quite a while. Otherwise I seem okay, I just need to eat more. I only weigh 6.8 pounds (I used to weigh twice that!). So they bought me a different kind of food to try, especially since I like variety.
When we got back to the marina I asked if I could spend a little time in the fresh air. Since I don’t move too far too fast, Carol said that would be okay. So I spent almost an hour resting under a bush while Carol sat on the wall next to me and read a book. When Roger came out to join us she took some pictures of me and Roger with the marina and Grand Traverse Bay in the background.
Last night Roger & Carol left me and went into town to see a movie at the film festival. While they were waiting in line to get in, the audience from the previous movie came out. It was a movie made by Phil Donahue, and he came out of the theater with Michael Moore! It was a mob scene. Roger & Carol were close enough to see clearly what was going on, but not close enough to talk to either of them. Still, it was exciting. Tonight at dusk on the big screen they’ve set up in the park next to the marina they are going to show “Back to the Future”. I heard Carol tell Roger she’d like to go see it (it’s free). Before that, though, they are going to have a yummy fancy dinner on board. Their favorite restaurant (Windows) closed after they moved away, but the owner now has a chocolate shop and catering business, so Roger ordered a gourmet dinner for take-out! I hope they give me the leftovers!
It looks like we will move again tomorrow. The prediction is for wind from the wrong direction, but it’s the only day for the next week that there are no thunderstorms in the forecast. I’m not sure how I will like tacking into the wind (tacking makes the boat tilt first one way, then the other). We’ll see.
Happy Birthday, Carol! Enjoy your dinner!
Happy Birthday from us, too! Had brunch with Irma yesterday after church (which was pretty empty). You were missed! See you soon!
Jeanne and Joe
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