Today was filled with all kinds of new experiences for me! First, my humans let me watch while this machine made something they like to drink. It was very interesting, but kind of scary. Then, just before noon Roger made that loud noise with the engine again, and our house started moving again. That was okay, because I remembered it from before so I wasn’t scared. It was even nicer when Roger & Carol turned the engine off and started sailing. They even let me go up into the cockpit to walk around and explore. That was fun until my tummy started feeling funny. I came downstairs and went to my litterbox. I almost made it when something really strange happened. Carol says I puked because I was seasick. It’s the first time in my whole short life anything like that happened to me, so I was kind of surprised. I felt a little better afterwords, so I tried to sleep. But the house kept tipping, first one way, then the other. I don’t really understand it all, so maybe Carol should explain.
After leaving harbor just before noon, we put up sail early on, even though there wasn’t much wind. We ghosted along, our speed dropping as low as 2 knots sometimes. Just when we thought about starting the engine, around 12:45, the wind came up. It was more westerly than we would have liked, so we had to tack back up the length of Lake Charlevoix, but it turned out to be a wonderful afternoon’s sail. Eventually the wind piped up and we breezed along at top speed, heeling almost 20 degrees. That was fine, except we had to tack a few times, meaning we alternated between heeling first one way, then the other. This did not make Leo very happy. But WE thoroughly enjoyed it! If we had stayed out any longer we probably would have taken in a reef. It was a warm afternoon with a WSW breeze -- a perfect late summer day to be out on the water.